Welcome to our first September newsletter.
I have been reminded that in five and a half weeks our Year 12 students begin their HSC exams. It has been a particularly difficult year for all those Year 12 students with interrupted learning due to COVID adding to their stressors.
I remember how I felt leading up to and during exam time!! However, I have to acknowledge there was not the significant expectation to excel at all costs and go on to university that there is today.
The pressure the system and society place on our young people today are one thing but the stress they put on themselves is more! “Will I succeed?” “Am I good enough?” “What if I fail?”
Many feel stressed and even ‘fragile’. Here are a few tips, from the link below, that may help during this stressful time:
- You want your child or grandchild to look after themselves on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual.
- There needs to be a balance of study, exercise, socialising and sound sleep.
- Their diet is also important. Eating well helps both our body and brain to function efficiently.
- Avoiding sugar, caffeine and alcohol is very helpful as they affect brain function negatively even if we think it relaxes or keeps us awake.
- Good study habits are helpful and hopefully they have developed these by now.
- A good reminder too is that there is life after Year 12 exams regardless.
For some young people stress may lead to anxiety and they may need to seek professional help and your General Practitioner should be your first port of call.
Organisations that offer provide assistance include:
- Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636 www.beyondblue.org.au
- Black Dog Institute: www.blackdoginstitute.org.au
- Life Line: 13 11 14 www.lifeline.org.au
Some Bowen Therapy sessions may assist your students to relax and move from ‘fight or flight’ to ‘rest and restore’, in other words help them move from stressed and anxious to being more relaxed.
You can gift your HSC student: 3 x Bowen Therapy sessions for $220. This will also include an Australian Bush Flower Essence – customised for your HSC student. This is a total saving of $70 as well as helping reduce your students stress levels.
I hope this has provided some helpful information for you and some further reading for those who choose to do so.
You can call 0438 148 842 or book an appointment online at www.bowenhealththerapy.com.au
“On another note I would like to introduce you to Tash Melhuish, who has joined us to undertake some administrative work at Bowen Health Therapy. Part of her role will include making contact with you at some point to introduce herself and to check with you to see how you are.
Below you will find a little information about Tash.
“I am so excited to have this opportunity to join the Bowen Health Therapy team as a administrative assistant for Katrina. I am passionate about the local community and am aware she runs a wonderful business and am very grateful for this opportunity.
I have worked in Port Stephens at Holiday World, which is a family run travel agency for the past 9 years, which like many industries looks drastically different this year due to the current climate. While travel is on pause I know the importance of enjoying our local area and looking after our health and I know Bowen can assist in this aspect.
Over the next few weeks I am hoping to touch base with our clients over the phone to see how you are going during this time and if we can be of any assistance to you, so I look forward to speaking with you soon. Kind regards, Tash”
So from both of us take care, stay well.
Bowen Health Therapy is registered as a COVID Safe Business.

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